Kai Kamal Huening (휴닝카이; born Aug 14, 2002), better known as Huening Kai, is a Brazilian/German-Korean singer and a member of the Kpop group TXT under Big Hit Entertainment. He was born in Honolulu, Hawaii to a Brazilian-German father and a Korean mother. Huening Kai was a trainee for 2.5 years before his debut with TXT on March 2019.
During a 2020 interview, Huening Kai mentioned he doesn’t have a specific ideal type as long as it’s someone he can laugh with and whom he can share his true feelings with. Physically, he also doesn’t have a strong preference but the only thing he mentioned was that he prefers short hair over long hair.
Huening Kai’s ideal type based on his zodiac sign is someone with a zodiac sign of Leo, Aries, or Sagittarius. They are also compatible with other Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius. Those with these signs can match Leo’s strong passion and energy.
Huening Kai’s ideal type, based on his MBTI (ENFP), are others with personality type of INFJ and INTJ. He would also be compatible with INFP, ENFP, ENFJ, ENTJ, INTP, and ENTP. Because ENFPs are very in tune with their own emotions, they like someone who has high emotional awareness, enjoys being creative and adventurous.